Wednesday, December 23, 2009

energy efficiency and the environment

Well with the recent Copenhagen disaster one must wonder where we go from here! Back in October there were hints that there would be difficulties at Copenhagen. With mutterings of one country not prepared to do anything unless the other does - and so on.

Also the timely attempts to sabotage Copenhagen regarding emails stating misleading research and the like only gave fuel to politicians reluctant to give serious consideration to the subject. Dispite popular belief Obama did quite well, as his hands are pretty much tied by the Senate. Anyway, we'll just have to see what Mexico brings next year.

Looking through opinion polls, generally the other day and what really concerned me is that a staggering high percentage of people actually believe that climate change is a myth ! Without doubt climate change is occurring, this is an undeniable fact by ALL scientists, what is in question is whether climate change is in actual fact man-made, and , despite popular opinion there is still some contention regarding this.

The main body of the argument for mane made climate change is the IPCC (Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change) report, that is constantly referred to in numerous magazines, articles, tv etc. What many of you may not be aware of is the NIPCC (Non-Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change) Now this, to say the least is a very researched paper- equally, if not more to the IPCC. If you are curious check out this link, just cut and paste into your browser window. I look forward to your comments on this......efficiency

Alternatively you can always check the most recent updates on the subject, the follwoing link is a relatively new site containing a collection of expert opinions from across the globe.

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